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Guest speaker tells graduates to ‘Be brave’

Guest Speaker Leona Kitchen urged the graduates, her former students, to make the most of each moment and not spend too much time worrying about the future.
Leona Kitchen, guest speaker, urged the graduates to get the most out of life.

CANORA - Leona Kitchen, who has known most of the 2023 graduates since they first arrived at Canora Composite School in Grade 5, was obviously grateful to be trusted with this important task.

“What a fantastic day for everyone, to gather here to celebrate these beautiful and handsome graduates,” said Kitchen. “I was going to call you kids, since you are our CCS kids for one more day, but you all look so grown up today I thought that wouldn't be fitting. Can you all actually believe this day is here?

As one of the Grade 5 teachers, Kitchen “has the pleasure of meeting you at the doors on your first day at CCS, when you are all bright eyed, curious, innocent and excited to attend school, setting the stage for what the rules and expectations are when attending the ‘high school’ and watching you giggle or squirm during the dreaded puberty talk at the end of Grade 5.

“This also means I get to watch you pass through the grades, participate in school sports and clubs, volunteer in your community, start getting jobs and turn into some pretty cool kids by the time you hit Grade 12.”

Kitchen told the grads that she wholeheartedly agrees with the quote chosen by the grads for their big day, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it"

“I will tell you with my whole heart, that life moves way too fast, even if I still feel 25 and act it sometimes too,” said Kitchen. “So when I sat down and started writing this speech I thought it only fitting to share my top five things I want you to stop and look at once in a while.

1. Family is first – Now this includes your blood family, your friends that have become family and your school/work family; the people you spend the most time with. Often we get so ‘busy’ in our everyday life as a family running to school, work and activities that we take advantage of the people who mean the most to us. We just assume that our parents will be home when we get home, or we will see our friends tomorrow. In all the hustle and bustle, don't forget to take time to truly appreciate everything that your family does for you, and tell them. Tell them you love them, tell them how much you appreciate that delicious meal they made or how you appreciate them being the designated driver for the party. We know life is short, so don't leave anything unsaid.

2. Choose joy – There was one day in around March or April, I popped into Mr. Lowes' room and Meadow was in there. I think I may have said ‘Good Morning’ or ‘Happy Friday’ in my sometimes annoyingly cheerful way. Meadow responded, ‘How are you so cheerful all the time?’ Well let me tell you all a little secret... I'm not. I have moments where I'm annoyed, frustrated, angry, or sad. You all just don't see me during those times. And let's face it, not everything is sunshine and lollipops all of the time. But I try to make a conscious choice to choose joy while at home, at work, getting groceries, wherever I am. Choosing joy doesn't make your problems or issues disappear, but often it can switch the way you think about them and make them more manageable. So if you are having one of those day, I want you to stop and find something to be happy about! See how this changes your perspective.

3. Comparison is the thief of all joy – As you set out into the world and start your new lives, please remember,  it is not a race to achieve the perfect life. First of all, there is no perfect life and second, there is no perfect timeline to achieving it. Everything you do and become will happen when it is right for you. Don't get caught up in trying to have the newest vehicle, or the biggest house, or the best paying job or get married because you’re at the age when all your friends are getting married. This will lead you to speed up your life faster than you need to. Comparing your life or achievements to your friends or those around you will cause you to lose sight of the joy in everything you have, and how hard you had to work to get it!

4. Be Brave – The definition of brave is doing something with your whole heart when you can't predict the outcome. I want you to be brave enough to find a career that you truly enjoy and have a passion for, not one that just pays the bills. I want you to be brave enough to ask for help when you falter, whether that is from a best friend, parent or counselor. I want you to be brave enough to share your talents through volunteering, and coaching. This is a very talented group in many different areas: academics, sports, music, art. You have a lot to share so give back to your community by sharing those talents. I want you to be brave enough to stand up for what you believe in, and in a respectful way communicate it. Now I'm not saying to always go against the grain, but when something in your gut doesn't seem right, ask questions and try to find out more, before you make a decision.

5. Be Where Your Feet Are – This is the one that is on the top of my priority list lately. As you all know, there are days where you have a lot on your plate: school, work, activities, appointments, and more. Have you ever had that experience when you’re driving somewhere and going through lists of things you need to do or what you need to pick up and then arrive at your destination, and you can't remember the trip because you were so consumed in thought? Or sitting around with your family you may be tempted to also be online shopping or checking social media instead of participating in the conversation. I'm guilty of it too! Make it a priority to be present in the moment every chance you get. That means during the special times, the concerts, parades, parties, especially this moment right now. We sometimes find ourselves thinking about the next thing or rushing our people on so we can get home to do some other thing that needs doing. But, we work best when our brains stay where our feet are, when we live in the moments, right in them, even if they are really hard and even if they are really wonderful. So take a minute to linger in this moment and look out at all of these people who have gathered here today in this one place to celebrate you. Stop always thinking about the next thing and the next thing and the next. Let's ‘be where our feet are’ and take it all in so we don't miss it!

“So, Graduating Class of 2023, it has been a huge honour to be your guest speaker,” said Kitchen, “and on behalf of myself and all of the staff at CCS, we wish you all the best as you step out and change the world!”

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